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A Local's Guide to the Best Doors of Dublin Ireland

Learn about the best places to find beautiful Dublin doors. Explore the colorful doors of Dublin. Discover Georgian doors on a Dublin photowalk.

I simply adore Dublin doors! Living in Ireland for the past decade, I have photographed my fair share of the doors of Dublin and count this activity as one of the best free things you can do in Dublin

Dublin doors are a staple of Irish tourism and people travel far and wide to see them. Are you wondering where to find the best Georgian doors in Dublin? Look no further. 

This local's guide to elegant and colorful Dublin doors has got you covered. Below I share my favorite places to take pictures of Dublin doors within walking distance of Dublin City Centre.

Dublin Doors: Dublin Chamber of Commerce Diversity and Inclusion door

Dublin Doors Origin Stories

There are a variety of explanations (legends?) circulating about the origins of the colorful Georgian doors of Dublin. Having lived in Ireland for the past 10 years, I think there are two that are the most plausible.

Colorful Dublin Doors in Conscientious Objection to British Rule

Ireland won its independence from Great Britian just 100 years ago. Before that, Ireland was subject to the British Empire for 800 years. One story of the doors of Dublin suggests that the bright colors are a form of protest. 

When Queen Victoria died, it was allegedly decreed that all doors must be painted black in mourning. Instead, the Irish painted their doors every color of the rainbow, every color except black. 

Georgian Doors of Dublin: Blue and black door on Merrion SquareDublin Doors: Orange and burgundy pair of doors

The Doors of Dublin As A Way to Identify Home After a Few Pints

Irish people are fond of the pub and in knocking back a few pints. I've seen locals drink five or more pints in one sitting and my liver shudders just thinking about it. 

Irish people may be known for stamina in drinking but being drunk means it's potentially harder to find your way home. 

Another legend of the doors of Dublin is that they are painted bright colors to help drunk inhabitants find their way to the right house to ensure that they don't accidentally arouse their neighbors. 

In fact, one of the most popular stories along this vein involves Irish writers and neighbors George Moore and Oliver St. John Gogarty. Legend has it that Gogarty would come home drunk and often knock on Moore's door. 

To help Gogarty avoid this mistake, Moore painted his door green. Gogarty escalated by painting his door red and the colourful doors of Dublin trend was born.

When did Colorful Dublin Doors Become Popular with Tourists?

The doors of Dublin became a tourist hook in New York City in the 1970s when Joe Malone (North American Manager of the Irish Tourism Office) posted a collage of Dublin doors in the New York Irish Tourist Board office. 

The locals went wild for the doors and asked where they could get this poster. I often feel like I'm following in the footsteps of Bob Fearon who created this initial collage. I love taking photos of Dublin doors and creating fun collages.

Where to Find the Best Doors of Dublin?

Regardless of their origins, there is no doubt that Dublin doors lend a unique and charming atmosphere to the city. In fact, the doors are a key reason why Dublin is one of the best cities in Ireland (or even Europe!) in my opinion. 

If you are looking for the most spectacular and most unique doors of Dublin, there are a variety of areas that I recommend looking. Below, we'll cover some of the usual suspects but also several off-the-beaten track places to see gorgeous examples of Dublin doors. 

We won't limit ourselves to Georgian doors either. While Georgian doors are definitely personal favorites, I've found that Victorian-era and turn of the 20th century Dublin doors are equally fascinating.

Dublin's Georgian Squares

The highest concentration of iconic doors can be found in Georgian Dublin and the best places to take a photowalk concentrate on the city's Georgian squares. 

Much of Dublin's iconic architecture was built during the Georgian era which spanned the majority of the 18th century and covered the reigns of King George I to King George IV. The period was typified by 3-5 storey brick Georgian houses featuring well-centered paneled doors with ornate fanlights.

The Georgian squares of Dublin were originally home to Ireland's well-to-do residents and encircled private parks that are now open to the public in most but not all cases. Let's take a look at the Doors of Dublin on the city's most iconic Georgian squares.

St. Stephen's Green

St. Stephen's Green is Dublin's most famous park and Georgian Square. St. Stephen's Green doors are some of the most spectacular in Dublin. 

While most people walk through the arch near the Stephen's Green Shopping Centre and relax in the park, rewards await those who circle the outside first. 

It seems that the more grand the buildings get, the taller and more impressive doors that you'll find. If you happen to visit in the Autumn, do not miss a walk around St. Stephen's Green. 

A few of the surrounding buildings are covered in Boston Ivy which turns a fiery red in mid-October and is incredibly photogenic framing the Georgian doors on the square. If you visit St. Stephen's Green early, there will less competition with other photo-seekers to get that perfect shot. 

I recall having to wait 10 minutes for a particularly self-absorbed tourist to realize that others were waiting to photograph a particular building and move on.
Doors of Dublin on St. Stephen's GreenBlue Dublin door on Merrion Square

Merrion Square

Merrion Square is about a 10 minute walk from St. Stephen's Green and is by far my favorite park in the city. The doors are pretty amazing too. Walk all four sides of Merrion Square for some of the best Georgian doors in Dublin City. 

The doors along Merrion Square South are the most grandiose, colorful, and well-preserved. As an added bonus, keep an eye out for small round plaques to get a better sense of famous people who called Merrion Square home. 

Fitzwilliam Square

Fitzwilliam Square is the least touristed of Dublin's Georgian squares in my estimation and has the best doors. The park itself is still private to the residents who live on the square but that's ok. 

Walk all four sides of Fitzwilliam Square keeping an eye out for unusual colors like pink and purple. The most iconic door on Fitzwilliam Square is home to the Peruvian Embassy and is painted an eye-catching black and white. 

Photograph the doors of Fitzwilliam Square at different times of year and watch the ivy ebb, flow, and change color with the seasons. You'll never see and photograph the same door twice since the surrounding accessories are always changing.
Black and white Georgian door with red Boston Ivy on Fitzwilliam SquareNarrow blue Dublin door on Mountjoy Square

Mountjoy Square

Cross the River Liffey to Northside Dublin and Mountjoy Square. Mountjoy Square is Dublin's original Georgian Square and is often celebrated as the only true Georgian Square in Dublin with four equal sides lending a symmetry to the square that the others lack. 

The thing that struck me the most about Mountjoy Square was a group of doors tucked away in the southeast corner of the square. These Dublin doors are about half the width of a standard Georgian door. 

In fact, the doors look so narrow that I imagine someone very thin must live here or it would be an unworkable situation. At first I thought that the narrowness might be an optical illusion but I can confirm from an up close investigation that the doors here are indeed super narrow.


Doors of Ireland: Red door in Limerick CityDoors of Ireland: Pair of black doors in KilkennyDoors of Ireland: Green door in Cork City
You may be wondering if beautiful doors are unique to Dublin. I'm happy to report that you can find amazing doors all across Ireland. Some of my favorite places to look for doors include cities like Kilkenny, Cork, and Limerick

Even smaller villages often feature great doors. Check out Clonakilty and Bantry on a West Cork road trip and Waterville Ireland on the Ring of Kerry
Doors of Ireland: Door covered in colorful art in WatervilleDoors of Ireland: Peach door in Bantry West CorkYellow and Blue Georgian Door in Clonakilty West Cork

Streets That Are Georgian Square Adjacent

Don't limit your exploration of the doors of Dublin to the footpaths immediately surrounding Georgian squares. The side streets radiating from the squares are often equal or more impressive than the squares themselves. Read on for a few areas that I personally recommend.

Hume St and Ely Place

St. Stephen's Green is the largest Georgian park and you may feel tired of walking by the time you complete a circuit of the perimeter. Perhaps take a moment to sit on a bench and rest your legs in the park but gather your energy to walk a little further down Hume Street and Ely Place. 

Hume Street intersects St. Stephen's Green at a right angle on the east side. This short street features elegant Dublin doors in many different primary colors. 

Turn from Hume Street onto Ely Place. Walk right toward the Royal Hibernian Academy and then left back to the traffic light. 

Take a short detour across Merrion Row and look behind Foley's Pub. Here you'll find the most uplifting pink door in the city. I smile every time I walk past.
Dublin doors: Yellow door on Ely PlacePink Dublin Door behind Foley's Pub

Mount Street Upper

Mount Street Upper leads away from the southeast corner of Merrion Square toward the Pepper Canister Church. Walk past a perfect string of Georgian doors that open into offices of all types and even some private residences. 

I always wonder who lives and works behind these doors and Mount Street Upper always captures my imagination. Walk Mount Street Upper around sunrise for beautiful light and photo opportunities over the Pepper Canister Church.
Pepper Canister Church in Dublin IrelandGreen Dublin Door on Mount Street Upper

Dublin City Centre

You can find plenty of beautiful doors in Dublin City Centre that are not as closely tied to Dublin's Georgian Squares. 

These Dublin doors can be combined with visits to St. Stephen's Green, Merrion Square, or Fitzwilliam Square but can also be explored independently or in combination with great places to find Dublin doors that are a little further afield.

Leeson Street Lower

Lesson Street Lower extends from St. Stephen's Green to Dublin's Grand Canal. The doors along this corridor are simply outstanding. 

Keep an eye out for the unusually tall fanlights close to the canal. I also especially love the rebels who live here who decided to paint their door bright orange or purple. It makes my day every time I take a walk here.
Dublin doors with tall fanlights on Leeson Street LowerPurple Georgian door on Leeson Street Lower in Dublin Ireland

Harcourt Street

Walk Harcourt street in the morning before the establishments along this stretch open for business and open their doors. Open doors are way less photogenic. 

Follow the Luas tram tracks from St. Stephen's Green's southwest corner. Admire the grand Georgian doors that now host some of the hottest nightclubs in Dublin behind their stately facades. 

If you need a break from all this door hunting, nip into Iveagh Gardens, a park that is a Dublin hidden gem

Herbert Street

Herbert Street is a narrow, largely residential street that runs between Baggot Street Lower and the Pepper Canister Church on Mount Street Upper. 

Herbert Street runs parallel to the Grand Canal and you'll find many fewer pedestrians here. Wander down this short street looking for pairs of doors with stately staircases leading up from the sidewalk.
Blue Georgian door on Harcourt Street in Dublin IrelandGreen and blue Dublin doors


Dublin's Grand Canal is the dividing line between Dublin City Centre and Ballsbridge. Ballsbrige is also known as D4. 

D4 stands for Dublin 4, the historical one digit postcode from this area. Did you know that until recently only Dublin had postcodes and the rest of the country did not? 

Even-numbered postcodes are south of the River Liffey and odd postcodes are on the northside. The lower the number, the closer the neighhorhood is to Dublin City Centre. 

Ballsbridge is known as one of the poshest areas in Dublin and is home to some amazing Dublin doors.

Northumberland Road

Northumberland Road starts at the Grand Canal in Ballsbridge and runs through a tree-lined stretch toward Ballsbridge Village. Northumberland Road features Victorian-era construction with homes on either side built by the Early of Pembroke at the turn of the 20th century. 

The houses are generally grand and feature brick archways and elegant stairways leading up to colorful doors. Northumberland Road is one of my favorite places to hunt for beautiful Dublin doors. 
Dublin door with ornate brickwork on Northumberland Road in BallsbridgePink Dublin doors on Leeson Street Upper

Leeson Street Upper

Leeson Street Upper begins at the Grand Canal and radiates southeast toward Donnybrook. Closest to the canal, keep an eye out on either side of the street for modest Dublin doors in a variety of colors. Some have seen better days. 

The further you go on Leeson Street Upper, the more grand the homes and associated doors become. It can be helpful to have a decent zoom lens if you are photographing the doors here. The homes along Leeson Street Upper tend to set back away from the road and footpath. 

St. Mary's Road

My absolute favorite place to photograph the doors of Dublin is St. Mary's Road in D4. The homes are absolutely elegant and some are covered in Boston Ivy for added visual interest. 

I also enjoy the patterned footpaths leading up to the doors as well as some well-coiffed hedges to add to the framing. I walk down St. Mary's Road so often that I need to remind myself not to photograph and post the same doors too frequently to Instagram. Magnificent!

Shelbourne Road

Shelbourne Road starts at the intersection of Haddington Road near Beggars Bush. Look for a stretch of modest one-storey cottages featuring a combination of colorful doors surrounded by ornate brickwork. 

The homes become more posh as you walk toward Ballsbridge Village. The scene here contrasts with the ultramodern Aviva Stadium rising up behind the historic homes.

Pink Dublin door on St. Mary's RoadRed and yellow Dublin doors on Shelbourne RoadDublin door with blooming wisteria on Haddington Road

Haddington Road

Haddington Road is another of my favorite places to look for the beautiful doors of Dublin. You'll find modest Georgian buildings on either side of the street with doors painted in a wide array of colors including bright yellow, green, and pink. 

This stretch of road features stunning cherry blossoms in the Spring and at least a few of the doors are framed by blooming wisteria or other flowering vines.

Baggot Street Upper and Pembroke Road

Grab a coffee on Baggot Street Upper and then walk in the direction of Ballsbridge Village onto Pembroke Road. 

Georgian buildings set back from the sidewalk at the top of steep staircases feature colorful pairs of Dublin doors. Some are impeccably maintained, others are a little worse for wear. I love them all. 
Green and yellow Dublin doors on Pembroke RoadPurple Dublin door on the Waterloo / Wellington Road walk

Waterloo Road and Wellington Road

Intersecting with the shops on Baggot Street Upper, walk down Waterloo Road, cross at Wellington Lane and then return to Baggot Street via Wellington Road. 

You'll find an array of homes set back from the footpath and some international embassies. The doors are top notch and typically sit at the top of a taller staircase making them easier to photograph without parked cars getting in the way. 

Keep an eye out for unique colors and ornate fanlights to capture your interest.

SIDEWALK SAFARI SPOTLIGHT: Interested in ways to make looking for the doors of Dublin more fun? Check out these doors of Dublin neighborhood scavenger hunt ideas. Download and print a pdf checklist to inspire your Dublin doors walk. You can also play Neighbors Bingo. Just look for pairs of doors in different colors and match them to your free printable Bingo card.

Grand Canal Dock

Dublin's Grand Canal Dock area is also known as Silicon Docks for the American Tech company offices that are based here. 

Grand Canal Dock has experienced a revitalization and modernization over the past 20 years, but there are still pockets of history and historic Dublin doors to be found in this area. Let me show you where to look!

Pearse Square

I love the charming homes surrounding Pearse Square. Here neighbors seem to vie for some unspoken award for the best potted garden on their front porch. 

The doors may be modest but what they lack in stature they make up for in bright colors and flowers.
Pink and yellow doors of Dublin on Pearse SquareBlue door of Dublin in the South Lotts neighborhood

South Lotts

Wander the lanes behind Google's headquarters on Barrow Street for a real treat. The two storey row homes were built at the turn of the 20th century to house dock workers. The terraced homes feature colorful doors with both doors and windows framed with contrasting brick. 

South Lotts is definitely off the beaten path of a typical tour of Dublin doors but I truly consider this area a hidden gem.


Sandymount is a small village nestled along the Irish Sea yet (ambitious) walking distance from Dublin City Centre. Here you'll find both modest and grand homes featuring a mix of Edwardian, Victorian, and Georgian architecture with spectacular doors to match. 

Where can you find the best Dublin doors in Sandymount? Read on to discover my favorite places.

Strand Road in Sandymount

Strand Road in Sandymount is lined with elegant homes facing the Irish Sea and iconic Poolbeg towers beyond. Walk Sandymount Strand and admire the largely pastel facades and doors many of which have intricate fanlights of modest size.
Pastel Dublin doors on Sandymount StrandOrange and pale blue Dublin doors with dog statue on Sandymount Strand

Sandymount Village

Sandymount Village is well worth a wander and you'll find brightly colored doors and interesting brick facades along Sandymount Road between Sandymount Green and Tritonville Road. One of my favorite doors in this area is orange with color-coordinated accents.

Bath Ave (wander on side streets too)

Bath Ave and the small streets radiating away in the direction of Aviva Stadium feature some of the most charming doors in Dublin. Look for patterned stone footpaths in the front garden adding additional character to the facades. 

A few of the doors are covered in Boston Ivy and light up fiery red in the Autumn. See old juxtaposed against new by strolling around the cottages on the lanes off of Bath Avenue with Aviva Stadium or DART train tracks looming behind depending on your vantage point.
Orange Dublin door with matching trim in SandymountDublin doors off of Bath Ave with Aviva Stadium behind

Northside Dublin

We've already talked about Mountjoy Square but what about the rest of Dublin's northside? Will you find some amazing doors of Dublin here too? 

I'm happy to report that beautiful doors reside on both sides of the River Liffey. Read on for a few additional places to find awesome Dublin doors on the northside.

Gardiner Street

Gardiner Street is home a variety of inexpensive hostels and tourist accommodation. This strip of Georgian buildings can feel a bit edgy, particularly at night. 

I recommend planning a walk to check out these Dublin doors in the morning. This way, you can be sure to see the doors closed and much easier to photograph their beauty than when the businesses are open.

Henrietta Street

Henrietta Street is home to 14 Henrietta Street tenement museum. Definitely check out this eye-opening look at the evolution of the buildings in the area from posh mansions home to single-families to sub-divided tenement dwellings over-crowded with poorer working class residents as late as the 1970s. 

While you're here, walk both sides of Henrietta Street to check out the posh and colorful Georgian doors in the area.

Red Dublin door on Gardiner StreetCat in front of a Dublin door on Henrietta StreetPurple door of Dublin on North Great Georges Street

North Great Georges St.

North Great Georges St. is by far the most awesome place to see Dublin doors on the northside of Dublin. 

This elegant row of Georgian facades features some buildings ablaze with Boston Ivy and doors in every color of the rainbow some of which loom especially large and seem double the height that would be strictly necessary. 

Donnybrook and Ranelagh

Donnybrook and Ranelagh are an ambitious walk from Dublin City Centre and span the D4 and D6 postcodes. Donnybrook and Ranelagh are both considered to be some of Dublin's most posh and elegant near city suburbs. 

Where can you find the best doors in these neighborhoods?

Morehampton and Donnybrook Road

Leeson Street Upper becomes Morehampton Road which in turn transitions into Donnybrook Road. This entire stretch is well worth a stroll for the elegance and variety of the Dublin doors you'll find in this area. 

Tired of walking? You can always grab a coffee and a snack in Donnybrook Village.
Yellow Dublin door in DonnybrookBlue and pink Dublin doors on Appian Way in Ranelagh

Appian Way

Appian Way leads from Leeson Street Upper into Ranelagh. You'll find a number of embassies tucked away back here in addition to a wide variety of elegant and colorful doors.

Dartmouth Square and Northbrook Road

If you like neighborhood parks surrounded by elegant homes, don't miss Dartmouth Square. The blooms in the park add a special elegance in the Spring. 

If you start at Dartmouth Square make sure to detour over to Northbrook Road. All I can say is "WOW!". A wide variety of colorful Dublin doors further framed by ornate brick entrances make this one of the best places to photograph doors in all of Dublin. 

Even the Northbrook Clinic building is photogenic.
Tall gray Dublin door with ornate brick and stained glass on Northbrook AveOrange Dublin door on Mountpleasant Square in Ranelagh

Mountpleasant Square

Mountpleasant Square in Ranelagh is one of my more recent discoveries in my quest to find all the best places to see the doors of Dublin. 

We took a detour on our coffee walk to Ranelagh Village and ended up here. Mountpleasant Village is lined on three sides with Georgian doors featuring a variety of colors, and fanlights in a variety of styles. 

The residents in this area also seemed keen to decorate their doors for Halloween which lended an added homey charm. Turn back as you approach the main road on the east side of Mountpleasant Square and you'll see the iconic copper dome of Church Of Mary Immaculate Refuge of Sinners located in Rathmines.

Map of the Best Dublin Doors

Click on the image of the map below to open up an interactive version in Google Maps highlighting the different streets featuring the best doors of Dublin.
Map of where to find the best Dublin doors

Did you enjoy this post about places to find the most awesome Dublin doors? For a daily dose of the doors of Dublin, follow me on Instagram

Do you love doors but need the vocabulary to more precisely describe what you're seeing? Check out my post on the anatomy of a door to learn more.

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The Doors of Dublin IrelandThe Doors of Dublin Ireland

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Sidewalk Safari | Part-time Travel Blog: A Local's Guide to the Best Doors of Dublin Ireland
A Local's Guide to the Best Doors of Dublin Ireland
Learn about the best places to find beautiful Dublin doors. Explore the colorful doors of Dublin. Discover Georgian doors on a Dublin photowalk.
Sidewalk Safari | Part-time Travel Blog